Panthera Tigris
Kingdom: | Animalia | Phylum: | Cordata | Class: | Mammalia | Order: | Carnivora | Family: | Felidae | Genus: | Panthera | Species: | Tigris | |
All five living species of tigers have orange bodies with white undersides and black stripes. Siberian tigers have larger stripes spaced farther apart, thicker fur, and generally larger bodies. Although some confuse all-white tigers for Siberian tigers, white tigers are actually a genetic in the Bengal tiger family of India.
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Average Statistics
Length | 10 ft. |  | Weight | 300-650 lbs. | Geographic Range | Eastern Asia | Territory Size | Male 40 square milesFemale 15 square miles |
DietLarge mammals, primarily deer and boar. OffspringTigers mate at any time during the year. A female tiger becomes sexually mature at about three years of age, and will give birth every 2-3 years for the next 12 or more years of her life. The female is only receptive for three to seven days. During this time a pair will mate many times, up to 4 times per hour, after which the male leaves to mate with another female.
Litters of 1 to 4 cubs are born after a gestation period of 100 days. The cubs are born blind and are confined to the den for the first 3 months of their life. For their safety the tigress may move them to a new den from time to time, transporting one cub at a time. She carries them by gently biting the loose skin on the back of their neck. During transport, the cubs remain silent.
At approximately 2 months old, cubs begin to eat meat and are gradually weaned over the next 4 months of their life. Cubs then spend the next year learning how to hunt before they leave their mother's side to live their own solitary lives. SoundsTigers communicate through chuffs, a sound something like a loud, short purr. Vanishing Species staff likens a chuff to saying "OoofOoofOoof" very fast. As a result we lovingly refer to chuffs as "oofies". Tigers chuff from the time they are days old. Chuffs are generally a sign of contentment.
When angry tigers will hiss or roar.
Some tigers when discontented, but not angry, will let out moans. Relationship with HumansTigers are endangered primarily at the hand of man. Although some areas are home to "man-eaters", tigers do not interact with man as a general rule. Tigers wander into suburban neighborhoods in some parts of southeast Asia, where fresh water is scarce. An estimated 5000 tigers, between all 5 subspecies, live in the wild. |