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Volunteers and Merchants for Projects

Vanishing Species always has special projects on tap. If you or your organization can help with labor or materials for the following projects, please contact us!

Equipment Transfer Project
As we continue to develop our new facility in Palmdale, FL, we are in search of volunteer low-boy truck drivers to help us transport equipment and materials. The ride is 104 miles door-to-door. We have several equipment containers ranging from 8'x16' to 8'x40'. If you are interested in donating your services, please contact us!

Hurricane Shelter
After the 2005 hurricane season, we are developing plans to build a concrete and steel hurricane bunker in Palmdale, FL to house all animals in the event of a major (Category 4 or 5 storm). We are in search of roughly 1200 yards of fill, 600 yards of concrete for the floors and walls and 13000 sq feet of steel roofing to complete a 50' x 150' concrete shelter for animals and staff. If your organization can donate part or all of this material, or you would like to donate your masonry skills to the cause, please contact us!

Subcutaneous Radio Tracking
Vanishing Species is currently considering tracking systems as an extra layer of security for our animals. While we have never had an animal escape, we are currently researching products that would enable radio-frequency or GPS tracking of animal. An ideal solution would be subcutaneous, with no battery, and a range of at least 1 mile. If you or someone you know sells such products, please contact us!

South Florida Construction
Vanishing Species is currently planning several small construction projects in our South Florida facilities. These projects include overhauling animal shelters, new enrichment aparatus, construction of a new food preparation space, and construction of a new indoor habitat facility for small creatures. We are currently searching for sheet metal, pressure-treated 2x4's, 2x6's, 2x8's, 4x4's, privacy fence, and landscaping timbers, 3/8" or thicker plywood, electrical wiring, conduit, and accessories, PVC pipe and fittings, shade cloth, chain link, chicken wire, Schedule-40 toprail (1 5/8"-2") and fence fittings. if you have such supplies, or are interested in donating your time as a carpenter, plumber, electrician, or fence maker, please contact us!

Marketing Consulation and Services
Vanishing Species is always trying to spread the word about our education and volunteer programs. If you are a marketing guru, and would like to donate time or advertising space, please contact us!

If you cannot help us with these projects, you can still help us!

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