Wildlife Sanctuary
Vanishing Species Wildlife obtains most of our animals
While it is legal to own a variety of large, exotic, and
endangered species of animals, rules and
regulations must be followed that govern animal ownership
and care. When an exotic animal owner does not have the appropriate
paperwork or does not take proper care of their animal, authorities
will step in and confiscate the animal. These animals are
then found a home in a reputable animal facility, such as
Vanishing Species Wildlife, Inc.
Many people who purchase an exotic pet do not do their homework.
Within days, weeks, or months, the owner decides they no longer
want the animal, cannot afford the animal, or the owner moves,
becomes sick, unemployed, or dies. As a result they may surrender
the animal to a reputable animal facility, such as Vanishing
Species Wildlife, Inc.
If you are considering an exotic animal as a pet, please
read our Exotic Pet Starting Guide
and Checklist.
Other Facilities
Vanishing Species Wildlife coordinates with other facilities
throughout the state of Florida as well as the rest of the
United States. From time to time, other reputable facilities
do not have the resources to care for an animal, due to medical,
spacial, labor, time, or monetary constraints. In these situations,
Vanishing Species provides a temporary or permanent home to
the animal.